How Long can You Create Creative & Amazing Content?

Not Very Long!

6 min readJul 9, 2018

A weird question?

But, tell me how long can you create innovative and amazing content?

Your creativity has a limit, and one day your creativity will stop flourishing because you will lose focus of what actually matters here. You will get in the race of profit and paperwork. Your will not have time for your work anymore because you must attend meetings and fundraisers and other worthless events in which you don’t even believe in, all just to keep the company up and running.

Isn’t that the evil side of success?

The success demon destroys your passion. It comes with either a lot of money, fame, or opportunities. The demon will spread its wings and you will bow down to it. In exchange for the superpower you will sacrifice what has been a part of you all this time. You will sacrifice you.

But, you did a deal with the devil. He is clever. You are not. He did not tell you the consequences of your actions, of the deal. Soon enough, after a few months of the deal been made, you will start hating what you do, because it has become a job now. You are not doing what you were born to do. You cheated on nature with the devil.

The bill comes due.

At this point , you need to make a choice, again. You either fight with the devil and claim what is yours or you live to survive everyday, to finally die in unhappiness.

Yes, I have created a dark image of success and life here. It is necessary. You must be warned.

The bill comes due.

You were born for one purpose only. We all have our own duties to fulfil and neglecting them or worse abandoning them is challenging the natural laws. You cannot play God here. You have to do what you are born to do. Isn’t this how the universe balances itself?

What if the Sun starts revolving from tomorrow? (in our solar system’s frame of reference)

Wouldn’t that have drastic supernatural effects on the whole universe?

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Success and Stress will f*ck your mind

Do not let success get to your head.

Do not let failure get to your head.

What are success and failures? They are outcomes of any task that you perform. Thus, the conclusion here is do not let the outcome of what you do get to your head. It will f*ck it, very hard. No amount of protection will help it. You will have to deal with a ‘stress-baby’ when you don’t want to.

How long can you create amazing content?

I guess the answer lies with you. The choice that you are going to make. To let the outcome define the efforts of your next work is the end of creative work. It is the end of your journey to actual success.

Another great growth inhibitor is the stress. I just love stress (sarcasm intended). You know why? Because it never left my side my whole life. Always has been with me like a loyal partner. I could always count on it to be there when no one else was.

Stress has been with me in my adulthood, more than my family has been. I owe it all to stress.

Unfortunately, stress and I are going through some rough times these days. A relationship crisis. I don’t think our relationship will work anymore. I have already started to cheat on stress with Hope, my actual life partner. Stress is almost gone from my life. We still meet occasionally. I mean, it has been a long relationship. It takes time to forget and forgive.

Now, with Hope my relationship has given me a new perspective at life. I will break-up with stress soon enough. I think you should too. She is a very very addictive but bad b*tch.

“Newer video gamble control over exposed with a bright lit background” by Ugur Akdemir on Unsplash

You cannot control the outcome

For any task you do, there are two parts, two major parts, if we look from a high design level:

The Work part and the Result part.

Here is an obvious statement: While you cannot control the outcome, you can control the process of doing the work.

If your goal is to be a world-class famous writer, you have to put in thrice the amount of work than anybody else out there. Sleepless nights, junk food, no girlfriend, no friends, no fun, and no family and all that cliched yet real part of a hustle. All this is under your control. You can choose how much time you want to spend on your work or with your friends.

After years of hard work and determination, even I cannot guarantee you success. You may become fairly popular but not world-class. Now, what if you have great expectations related to that? You will go crazy. All the years of hard work and learning drained down the toilet.

What was it all worth now? Nothing.

Do not attach any expectations with the outcome of any task you do. Yes, do have high expectations with the work you do. The more you expect of yourself in the process of getting there, the more you will be confident and giving.

What I mean by this is expect yourself to give your best possible. Believe in yourself and expect yourself to create amazing content. If you don’t even expect yourself to create great content, how will you convince others? They will see through you whether you are confident about your product or not.

You try to cheat them and sooner or later you will pay the price.

The Outcome of this post…

The Key takeaways from this post are:

  • Keep creating amazing work. Leave the logistics for others. Focus on creating and not on debating.
  • Expect nothing from the outcome. You may say that, ‘I have put in a lot of efforts in this project. I expect a high return.’ What the hell? Why do you expect a high return? What if your product is worthless? What if you are a narcissist? You don’t get to decide the outcome. Your customers do.
  • The Learning is for you, the product is for them. When you are in the process of making something big, remember the process of making is for you and not the product. The product doesn’t build you, the process does. The product is just a by-product of you making the world better by making yourself better (damn, too many redundant words).
  • Reflect the Stress. If you feel stressed, please reflect upon it. I know it is very hard. When you are stressed, you do not think rationally. But, please, if you can, write it down somewhere. Whenever you feel stressed, take time off, and reflect on why did you feel stressed and what can be done to remove that obstacle.
  • Take it easy. You are only a human being. Take it easy. You don’t have to do it all in one day.
  • Love your family. Spend time outside work. What is the point to working so much, earning so much, if you cannot spend the happiness with anyone? Recognize what is important before it is too late.

Hey reader, thank you very much for reading the article. I love you.

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See you tomorrow. Bye. :)

